My God Is Allah
"أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله، وأشهد أن محمدا صلى الله عليه وسلم، رسول الله."
Sabtu, 11 Oktober 2014
essence of Surah al-Baqarah & スーラ雌牛章の本質
The virtue of Surah al-Baqarah
Imam Ahmad, Muslim, at-Tirmidhi, and an-Nasa'i narrated from Suhail bin Salih, from his father, from Abu Hurayrah Allaah 'anhu, that the Messenger of Allaah' alaihi wa sallam said:
لا تجعلوا بيوتكم قبورا فإن البيت الذي تقرأ فيه سورة البقرة لايدخله الشيطان.
"Do you make your home a graveyard. Indeed the house in which al-Baqarah recited letters will not be entered devil. 'At-Tirmidhi said, "This hadeeth is hasan saheeh."
From Abdullah bin Mas'ud, he said, the Messenger of Allaah 'alaihi wa sallam said:
لا ألفين أحدكم يضع إحدى رجليه على الأخرى يتغنى ويدع سورة البقرة يقرؤها, فإن الشيطان ينفر من البيت تقرأ فيه سورة البقرة وإن أصفر البيوت الجوف الصفر من الكتاب الله.
"Hopefully I do not get any one of you who put one foot on the other leg, while singing and die-kan al-Baqarah letter without reading it, the real devil will run away from home that it read out a letter al-Baqarah. Indeed, the most empty homes are empty housing component of the book of Allah (the Qur'an). "(HR. An-Nasa'i in the book of al-Yawm wa al-Lailah.)
Abdullah ibn Mas'ud said, "Whoever reads ten verses of Surat al-Baqarah at night, then the devil will not go to his house that night. That is four verses of al-Baqarah initial letter, paragraph seats and two verses later, and the final three verses of Surat al-Baqarah. In the history mentioned on the day that he and his family will not be approached by the devil, and there is not anything he hated. And are not these verses be read on the insane, but he will be aware of (cured). "
At-Tirmidhi, an-Nasa'i, and Ibn Majah narrated from Abu Hurayrah Allaah 'anhu, said:
بعث رسول الله e بعثا وهم ذوو عدد, فاستقرأهم فاستقرأ كل واحد منهم, ما معه من القرآن فأتى على رجل من أحدثهم سنا فقال: (ما معك يا فلان?) فقال معى كذا وكذا وسورة البقرة, فقال: (أمعك سورة البقرة?) قال نعم قال: (إذهب فأنت أميرهم) فقال رجل من أشرافهم: والله ما منعنى أنه أتعلم البقرة إلا أني خشيت ألا أقوم بها فقال رسول الله e: تعلموا القرآن واقرؤوه, فإن مثل القرآن لمن تعلمه فقرأه وقام به, كمثل جراب محشو مسكا يفوح ريحة فى كل مكان ومثل من تعلمه فيرقد وهو في جوفه جراب أوكى على مسك.
"Prophet never sent delegates consisting of several people. Then he checked them. Then he tested the recitation of the Qur'an each of them. Then he went to most young people his age as he asked: "What letter have you memorized?" The man replied: "I have memorized this letter and it as well as the letter of al-Baqarah." "Do you memorize the letter al-Baqarah? "Ask the Prophet. The man answered: "Yes, memorized." After that he said: "Go, and you are the leader for them. Then one of the prominent among them said: "O Messenger of Allah, by Allah, verily nothing is keeping me from studying the letter al-Baqarah but because I was worried not to be able to practice it. Then he said: "Learn the Koran, read. Indeed, per-parable of the Koran for those who read and study it and practice it is like a leather bag containing musk fragrance oil spread all over the place. While the example of those who study it, and then he slept (not practice it), whereas the Qur'an is in itself like a leather bag or a stamp mark that is placed on musk oil. "(According to at-Tirmidhi, hasan hadeeth).
Al-Bukhari narrated from al-Layth, from Yazid ibn al-Haad, from Muhammad ibn Ibrahim, from Hudhair bin Usaid, he said: "When one night he read the letter of al-Baqarah-while his horse tethered nearby horse suddenly circling. When Usaid stop reading, then the horse and even then felt calm. Usaid then read it back, then the horse's back spinning again. When stopped reading, horses and even then was silent. After that he read it again, and even then whirling his horse again. So he went back, while his son, Yahya was near the horse. Feeling sorry and worried about the horse will hit him. He took his son, he tilted his head to the sky until he does not see it.
When morning came, he described the event to the Prophet of Allaah 'alaihi wa sallam, then he said: "O son of Hudhair, read on." He replied: "O Messenger of Allah, I feel sorry for John, because he was close to a horse the. Then I raised my head and looked back at him. After that I tilted my head to the sky, suddenly I saw something like a shadow that is similar to the lights. After that I'm out of the house until I could not see it anymore. "Do you know, what is it?" Asked the Prophet. "No," he replied. He also said: "That angel is approaching because the reading voice. If you continue to read, undoubtedly the man of tomorrow morning will be able to see the angel unhindered. "
The virtue of Surah al-Baqarah with Ali-Imran
Imam Ahmad narrates from Abu Umaamah, he said, I heard the Messenger of Allaah 'alaihi wa sallam said:
(إقرءوا القرآن فإنه شافع لأهله يوم القيامة, إقرءوا الزهراوين البقرة وآل عمران فإنهما يأتيان يوم القيامة, كأنهما غمامتان أو كأنهما غيايتان أو كأنهما فرقان من طير صواف يحاجان عن أهلهما يوم القيامة ثم قال إقرءوا البقرة فإن أخذها بركة وتركها حسرة ولا تستطيعها البطلة.)
"Read the Qur'an, for verily the Qur'an it will give intercessor for its readers on the Day of Judgment later. And read-Zahrawain az letters, al-Baqarah and Ali-Imran, because the two letters will come on the Day of Judgment, as if they were like a pile of clouds, or like an umbrella that houses two forms, or like two groups of birds spread their wings . Both will argue to defend its readers on the Day of Resurrection. "To-then he said:" Recite al-Baqarah, for reading it would be to bring blessings and leave it means a loss. And the magicians will be unable to reach (readers). "This hadith is also narrated by Muslim in the book of al-Salah.
In Saheeh al-Bukhari and Muslim narrated that the Messenger of Allaah 'alaihi wa sallam never read the two letters in the cycles.
The virtue of the Seven Letters That Long
Imam Ahmad narrated from Aisha radhiallahu 'anha, that the Messenger of Allaah' alaihi wa sallam once said:
(من أخذ السبع الأول من القرآن فهو حبر)
"Whoever gained seven longest letter in the Qur'an, then he is a goody."
About Surah al-Baqarah
No dispute that all the verses in Sura al-Baqarah lowered in Medina. He belonged to the first letter off at Medina. But it has been argued that the word of God following: Î واتقوا يوما ترجعون فيه إلى الله Ï "And nourish yourselves from (torment going on) day at the time you returned to God," (Surat. Al-Baqarah: 281 ) is a verse in the Qur'an that the last drop, and the possibility that he was one of the last verse revealed. And the usury clause also includes the most recently derived.
Ma'dan Khalid ibn al-Baqarah call letters containing news story a thousand, a thousand orders, and a thousand prohibitions.
The people who count say, the letter al-Baqarah is comprised of 287 (two hundred and eighty-seven) verses, 6221 (six thousand two hundred and twenty-one) words, and 25,500 (twenty five thousand five hundred) letters. And Allah knows best.
イマームアフマド、イスラム教徒、およびアブHurayrahアッラーから彼の父からのSuhailビンサーリフからナレーション-Nasa'i、-アッティルミーディでalaihi WAサラム言った'anhu、メッセンジャーアッラーのこと」は:
アブドラビンMas'ud、彼によると、アッラーの使徒」からalaihi WAサラムは言った:
「うまくいけば、私は歌いながら、もう片方の足に片足を入れて、あなたのいずれかを取得し、それを読まずに雌牛章手紙を館に死ぬことはない、本物の悪魔が離れて、それが手紙雌牛章を読み、自宅から実行されます。実際、ほとんど空の住宅はアッラー(クルアーン)の本の空のハウジング構成要素である。」(HR。AN-Nasa'iアルYawm WAアルLailahの本の中で。)
بعثرسولالله電子بعثاوهمذووعدد、فاستقرأهمفاستقرأكلواحدمنهم、مامعهمنالقرآنفأتىعلىرجلمنأحدثهمسنافقال:(مامعكيافلان?)فقالمعىكذاوكذاوسورةالبقرة、فقال:(?أمعكسورةالبقرة)قال نعمقال:(إذهبفأنتأميرهم)فقالرجلمنأشرافهم:واللهمامنعنىأنهأتعلمالبقرةإلاأنيخشيتألاأقومبهافقالرسولاللهE:تعلمواالقرآنواقرؤوه、فإنمثلالقرآنلمنتعلمهفقرأهوقامبه、كمثلجرابمحشومسكايفوحريحةفى كلمكانومثلمنتعلمهفيرقدوهوفيجوفهجرابأوكىعلىمسك。
「預言者は数人からなる代表団を送ったことはありません。それから彼はそれらをチェックした。それから彼はそれらのそれぞれコーランの朗読をテストした。 "あなたは手紙雌牛章を暗記でください"私はこの手紙と、それだけでなく、雌牛章の手紙を覚えている。":男は答えた、「何の手紙あなたは覚えている?":それから彼は尋ねた、彼はほとんどの若者彼の年齢に行ってきました? 「預言者情報を確認して下さい。男は答えた:"はい、記憶した「その後彼は言った:「行って、あなたがそれらのためのリーダーである。そして、その中で目立つの一つは言った: "アッラーの使徒、アッラー、本当に何も手紙雌牛章を研究するから私を保っていないが、私は心配していたのでしないそれを実践できるようにする。それから彼は言った: "読み、コーランを学ぶ。実際、単位のたとえ話コーラン読み、それを研究し、それを実践人のためには、あらゆる場所にムスクの香りオイルスプレッドを含むレザーバッグのようなものです。それを研究し、コーランは革のバッグやムスク油に置かれるスタンプマークのような自体にあるのに対し、彼は、(それを実践しない)寝ている人の例をしている。」(AT-アッティルミーディ、ハサンハディースによる)。
アル·ブハーリーはUSAIDビンHudhairから、ムハンマド·イブン·イブラヒムから、ヤズィード·イブン·アル·ハーディから、アル·Laythからナレーション、彼は言った:"彼の馬が突然、近くに馬をつながれながら、雌牛章 - ある夜、彼はの手紙を読んだとき旋回。 USAIDは馬その後、読み取りを停止し、その後も落ち着いた感じたとき。 USAIDは次いで、馬の背中が再び回転し、それを読み戻す。読んで停止した場合には、その後も馬とは黙っていた。その後彼は再びそれを読んで、その場合でも、再び彼の馬を旋回。彼の息子、ヤヒヤ馬の近くにあったので、彼は、戻った。馬については申し訳ありませんし、心配して感じることは、彼をヒットします。彼はそれを見ていなくなるまで、彼は天に彼の頭を傾け、彼の息子を取った。
朝が来たとき、彼はアッラーsallallaahu 'alaihi WAサラムの預言者にイベントを説明し、それから彼は言った: "Hudhairの入出力息子が、読み進めてください。"彼は答えた: "彼は馬に近かったので、アッラーの使徒は、私は、ジョンに同情。それから私は私の頭を上げ、彼を振り返った。その後私は突然、私はライトに似ている影のようなものを見て、空を私の頭を傾け。私はそれをもう見ることができなかったまで、その後、私は家の外だ。 "あなたは知っていますか、それは何ですか?「預言者は尋ねた。 「いいえ」と彼は答えた。彼はまた言った:「それ天使が読み上げ音声ので、近づいている。あなたが読み続けるならば、間違いなく明日の朝の人は天使が妨害されずに表示することができます。"
イマームアフマドはアブUmaamahからナレーション、彼は「私はアッラーの使徒を聞いた、と述べalaihi WAサラムは言った:
「本当にクルアーンは、それが後に審判の日に、読者のための仲裁を与えるために、コーランを読んでください。 2文字は審判の日に来るので、彼らは、または2つの形態などの鳥の2つのグループを収容する傘のように、雲の山のようにされているかのように、文字AZ、雌牛章とアリ·イムラン·Zahrawainを読んでその翼を広げる。どちらも、審判の日に、読者を守るために主張するだろう"と彼は言ったTO-その後:"。それは祝福をもたらす、それは損失を意味するままにすることであろう読み取るため、雌牛章を暗唱。そして魔術師は(読者)に到達することができません。"このハディースは、またアル·サラーの本の中でイスラム教徒のナレーションされている。
サヒーヒ·アル·ブハーリーとムスリムのではアッラー'alaihi WAサラムのメッセンジャーのサイクルに2つの手紙を読んだことがないというナレーション。
ふくらはぎ雌牛章のすべての詩は、メディナ低下なし紛争ません。彼はメディナでの最初の文字をオフに属していた。 ÎواتقوايوماترجعونفيهإلىاللهI "そして、あなたは神に戻った時には日(に行く苦しみ)から自分を養う」(スラト雌牛章:しかし、それは神の言葉には、次のことを主張してきた。281 )最後の一滴というクルアーンにおける詩、彼は明らかにした最後の詩の一つであったという可能性である。そして、高利貸し句も、最後に派生が含まれています。
Surah al-Fatihah essence & スーラ·アル·Fatihahエッセンス
This letter many contain some basic elements that reflect the entire contents of the Qur'an, namely:
1 Faith:
Faith in the Almighty God contained in paragraph 2, which stated emphatically that all praise and thanksgiving for a favor it for God, because God is the Creator and source of all the blessings contained in this nature. Among the favors it is: a favor to create, educate and cultivate favors, because the word in a sentence Rab Lord of the Worlds does not only mean God or the ruler, but also implies that educate and foster tarbiyah. This shows that all the favors being viewed by a person in itself and in all this nature comes from God, because God is the All-Mighty in nature. Education, preservation and growth by Allah in nature this should be noted and considered by the deeply human, so it becomes a source of various kinds of knowledge that can add to the grandeur of human faith and the glory of God, and is useful for the community. Therefore faith (monotheism) it is a fundamental problem, then in Surah Al Faatihah is not enough expressed by gesture alone, but confirmed and supplemented by paragraph 5, ie: you are the only who we worship, and you are the only to us please help. Promise to reward good deeds and bad deeds threat to.
What is meant by Mastering The Day of Judgment is the day that Allah is in power, all things are subject to His greatness while expecting favors and fear of punishment. This implies a promise to reward the good deeds and bad deeds against the threat. Worship contained in paragraph 5 is intended solely to God.
2 Laws:
The road of happiness and how should the path to happiness that the world and the hereafter. Intent "Hidayah" here is the guidance that the cause of the failure by the safety, happiness and Hereafter, both the belief and morals, laws and lessons.
3 Stories: The Story of the Prophet and the first story of the people who oppose God. Large a proportion of the verses of the Qur'an contains the stories of the Prophets and the story of those who formerly opposed. What is meant by those who were given favors in this verse, is the Prophet, the people who truly have faith, the martyrs, the pious people. People wrath and those who go astray, are groups that deviate from the teachings of Islam
Rabu, 24 September 2014
the main points of the content of the Qur'an & クルアーンの内容の主なポイント
Assalamu'alaikum wr wb
The Qur'an is the holy book of Islam revealed to the Prophet Muhammad on the 17th of Ramadan. The Qur'an is the last book that is at once a complement previous book Torah, the Psalms, and the Gospel.
The content of the following principal contents of the Qur'an
1 Aqeedah
Creed is the belief or trust. Islamic creed is a belief that is believed to be the truth by every Muslim. Associated with a creed of Tawheed or the Oneness of Allah SWT.
2 Ubudiah
Ubudiah beings is devotion to the Creator, Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. The main purpose of man on earth is to worship, such as the word of God the following:
Meaning: "Not I (Allah) created jinn and humans except that they worship Me." (QS. Az-Zariyat: 56).
3. Morals
Morals (character) is one of the contents of the Qur'an fundamental. Such as the following hadith of the Prophet Muhammad:
Meaning: "Verily I (Muhammad) was sent by God to edify." (HR. Ahmad from Abu Hurayrah: 8595).
4 Tenets
Tenets is man's relationship with man. For example, buying and selling, please help, etc..
5. Story
In the Qur'an many older people has a story to be a lesson for mankind. For example, the story of Qarun, Pharaoh, Nimrod, Companions of the Cave, etc.. Even one surah in the Qur'an there is the so-called Al-Qasas, meaning that the story of the story. Here's one of the verses in Surah Al Qasas washout narrative about Moses in the Nile.
It means: "And We inspired the mother of Moses," Breastfeed him (Moses), and if you are worried then hanyutlah against him to the Nile. And do not be afraid and do not be too sad, We will return it to you real, and make it an Apostle. "(Surat. Al Qasas: 7).
6 Legal
All Muslims agree that the Qur'an is the source of all sources of law in Islam. The Qur'an contains various provisions of the law.
Similarly, a description of the contents of the content of the Qur'an.
Wassalamualaikum wr wb
Assalamualaikum WR WB
1 Aqeedah
2 Ubudiah
意味:「彼らは私を崇拝することを除いてはありません私は(アッラー)はジンと人間を作成しました。 " (QS AZ-Zariyat:56)。
意味:「本当に私(ムハンマド)が啓発する神によって送信されました。 " (HRアブHurayrahからアフマド:8595)。
WassalamualaikumのWR WB
Assalamu'alaikum wr wb
The Qur'an is the holy book of Islam revealed to the Prophet Muhammad on the 17th of Ramadan. The Qur'an is the last book that is at once a complement previous book Torah, the Psalms, and the Gospel.
The content of the following principal contents of the Qur'an
1 Aqeedah
Creed is the belief or trust. Islamic creed is a belief that is believed to be the truth by every Muslim. Associated with a creed of Tawheed or the Oneness of Allah SWT.
2 Ubudiah
Ubudiah beings is devotion to the Creator, Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. The main purpose of man on earth is to worship, such as the word of God the following:
Meaning: "Not I (Allah) created jinn and humans except that they worship Me." (QS. Az-Zariyat: 56).
3. Morals
Morals (character) is one of the contents of the Qur'an fundamental. Such as the following hadith of the Prophet Muhammad:
Meaning: "Verily I (Muhammad) was sent by God to edify." (HR. Ahmad from Abu Hurayrah: 8595).
4 Tenets
Tenets is man's relationship with man. For example, buying and selling, please help, etc..
5. Story
In the Qur'an many older people has a story to be a lesson for mankind. For example, the story of Qarun, Pharaoh, Nimrod, Companions of the Cave, etc.. Even one surah in the Qur'an there is the so-called Al-Qasas, meaning that the story of the story. Here's one of the verses in Surah Al Qasas washout narrative about Moses in the Nile.
It means: "And We inspired the mother of Moses," Breastfeed him (Moses), and if you are worried then hanyutlah against him to the Nile. And do not be afraid and do not be too sad, We will return it to you real, and make it an Apostle. "(Surat. Al Qasas: 7).
6 Legal
All Muslims agree that the Qur'an is the source of all sources of law in Islam. The Qur'an contains various provisions of the law.
Similarly, a description of the contents of the content of the Qur'an.
Wassalamualaikum wr wb
Assalamualaikum WR WB
1 Aqeedah
2 Ubudiah
意味:「彼らは私を崇拝することを除いてはありません私は(アッラー)はジンと人間を作成しました。 " (QS AZ-Zariyat:56)。
意味:「本当に私(ムハンマド)が啓発する神によって送信されました。 " (HRアブHurayrahからアフマド:8595)。
WassalamualaikumのWR WB
Tips tips become pious child & ヒントのヒントは、信心深い子になる
pious child or sholehah is they who hold a dream every child,, Do we belong in the characteristics of children pious or sholehah ???! .. Let's we think about it ...
1 Obey 2nd Parent & Child Sholeh this Sholehah always obey their parents while where he does not get out of Shari'a-Islamic Shari'a. Us that as this child is there always obey our parents ??? Let us contemplate & muhasabah ourselves, are we ever say disrespectful to our parents ??? Hopefully we do not belong in the group above the Word of GOD in the sura AL-Israa 'verse that juzuk 23 to 15 were intended: "And your Lord has commanded that you do not worship besides Him (GOD) and you shall do good to both your father's mother as well as possible. If one of the two or both lived up to the guardianship, the once-times do you say to the two words "ah" and do not yell at them and say to them that noble speech ".
2. guarded behavior and morals maintained. Solehah pious child and was always keeping behavior than did those cases that may afflict yourself ... how much more do the things which may bring shame to the family ... There is no human disclaimed apart than do small sin even when we are not feeling sometimes the case that we make the upcoming sin ... but GOD is Most Forgiving ... if we do sin, we quickly istighfar and beg for forgiveness to Almighty ... to be a pious child and solehah we need to keep our morals, his deep morality is a major factor to be child pious and solehah, if we are not kept morals unlikely we will be pious and solehah child ...
3. practice was maintained because the Almighty Son of the pious and solehah need to keep practice, and practice it is solely his deep Almighty ... Sometimes we as human beings are also deceitful in doing good deeds to God principally in prayer ... for be a child who solehah and solehah need to prioritize such cases compulsory prayers at the beginning of time ... kind of mane we be best scholars and pious child who solehah if our prayers not guarded ... if we kept praying God willing, practice - practice we will be more organized ... but it is also to be solehah pious child and is necessary to make the Quran as when his best friend was always happy and hard ... wet tongue with al-quran and dhikrullah ... God willing, to be pious and solehah child is in any self any child who holds them.
4 There is no love but love to God, No miss besides longing for the Messenger of Love is the nature of every human being is his deep human need spouse, those children and solehah pious, God love overcome the love of everything ... if the love of God has been enthroned in the hearts, love the Prophet is love and love your parents so after that ... there is no term for every human couple who marry his deep yet it is merely lust ... make love after marriage is the most valuable favors for every pair it ... by it, for couples who have already what the fuck it says anything is legitimate nexus with marriage ... children become pious son and solehah not ??? When making love, there must be a feeling of longing ??? The problem is, is there any we missed the Prophet over again or missed the lover overcome everything ??? This case actually could not deny his own children when we see our young when increasingly sophisticated technology, it may be in luahkan feelings through various ways such as on mobile via 'sms' ... yahoo messenger and so on ... but we are subject to recall, let longing for the Messenger overcome everything traits ... that wanted to be pious and solehah.
5) Love is only in your parents, teachers and friends was always loved ... Children solehah pious and affectionate parents need to put the most important than his deep affection than those without them it is impossible to be born to this world. We may see the sacrifice of a mother who endure suffering and hardship we render pregnant for 9 months 10 days. Mother, too, who can afford to tear the eyes if the child does not sleep the night how much more if the child was ill, the mother, too, who will take care of us. So how we must give love to our mother. Parents also do not lack, seeking sustenance to feed the children and lead children to study. Do we not feel how great the sacrifice of parents for each child ...
Teachers are our second parents when at school ... no teachers who teach their pupils to be taught how much more civilized the case - a case that is not beneficial ... they all want children to their students prosper and become a useful human being for families and communities .. that properties for a pious child and solehah to love and respect the teachers. Children also need solehah pious and loving friends, but before that let find friends who provide us with mutual benefits to recall the remembrance of each other ... not just ordinary friends ... able to sacrifice when his hard and happy ... that's the best of friends ... "Children pious and solehah as treasure, always praying, so prosperous and happy ".
1彼はシャリーア·イスラムシャリアから取得していない場所ながら、第2回親子SholehこのSholehahは、常に彼らの両親に従う従ってください。この子は、私たちは自分自身を考えるとmuhasabahましょう???私たちの両親に従う常にあるように、私たちは、私たちは今まで私たちの両親に失礼と言っていることを?? 「そして、あなたの主は、あなたが神(GOD)以外に崇拝しないと、両方に良いことをしなければならないことを命じられた:うまくいけば、私たちは意図していた15に23をjuzukふくらはぎAL-Israa'詩神の言葉以上のグループに属していないあなたの父の母親だけでなく、可能。 2の一方または両方が後見まで住んでいた場合は、一度時間が「2つの言葉 "ああ"と言うと、彼らに叫ぶ彼らに、その高貴なスピーチを言うことはありませんん。
2ガードさ行動や道徳を維持した。 Solehah敬虔な子といつもまして家族に恥をもたらす可能性があります事をする...自分を苦しめることが、これらの例がやったよりも動作を維持していた...全く人間はありません、私たちが、時には私たちが作るケースを感じていない場合であっても、小さな罪を行うよりも離れて放棄今後の罪が...しかし、神は私たちが罪をすれば、私たちはすぐにistighfarと...全能に許しを請う私たちは道徳を維持する必要が敬虔な子とsolehahであるために...ほとんどの寛容である、彼の深い道徳子にするための主要な要因である私たちはそうモラルを守っていない場合敬虔とsolehah、私達は信心深いとsolehah子になります...
全能敬虔なの息子とsolehahは?時には私たちのような人間は祈りの中で主に神に善行を行う際にも偽りです...練習を維持し、それは単に彼の深い全能で練習する必要があるため、3。練習は維持されたsolehahとsolehahは時間の初めにこのような場合に強制的な祈りの優先順位を決定する必要がある子に...私たちは私たちの祈りが守られていない場合はsolehah最高の学者や敬虔な子にたてがみのようなもの...私たちは、神が喜んで祈って守れば、練習 - 私たちはより組織になる練習を...しかし、それはすることでもあるsolehah敬虔な子供と敬虔とsolehah子であるとすると、いずれの自己でそれらを保持しているすべての子で、神が喜んで...彼の親友が常にアル·コーランとdhikrullahに満足し、ハード...濡れた舌だったときのようにコーランを行うことが必要である。
学校で...どのくらいのより文明場合教えられるために彼らの生徒を教える全く教師とき先生は私たちの第二の親である - 有益ではない場合は...彼らはすべて彼らの学生に子供が繁栄し、家族や地域社会のために役立ち、人間になりたくない...という教師を愛し、尊重する敬虔な子とsolehahのプロパティ。子供たちはまた、それは友人のベストです...信心深い、愛情のある友人をsolehahが、それはさせたときに彼のハードと幸せ犠牲にすることができ、互い...だけではなく、普通の友人...の記憶を思い出して相互利益を提供してくれる友達を見つける前に、必要があります...」宝物として信心深いとsolehah子供たちは、常に "、とても豊かで幸せ祈る。
pious child or sholehah is they who hold a dream every child,, Do we belong in the characteristics of children pious or sholehah ???! .. Let's we think about it ...
1 Obey 2nd Parent & Child Sholeh this Sholehah always obey their parents while where he does not get out of Shari'a-Islamic Shari'a. Us that as this child is there always obey our parents ??? Let us contemplate & muhasabah ourselves, are we ever say disrespectful to our parents ??? Hopefully we do not belong in the group above the Word of GOD in the sura AL-Israa 'verse that juzuk 23 to 15 were intended: "And your Lord has commanded that you do not worship besides Him (GOD) and you shall do good to both your father's mother as well as possible. If one of the two or both lived up to the guardianship, the once-times do you say to the two words "ah" and do not yell at them and say to them that noble speech ".
2. guarded behavior and morals maintained. Solehah pious child and was always keeping behavior than did those cases that may afflict yourself ... how much more do the things which may bring shame to the family ... There is no human disclaimed apart than do small sin even when we are not feeling sometimes the case that we make the upcoming sin ... but GOD is Most Forgiving ... if we do sin, we quickly istighfar and beg for forgiveness to Almighty ... to be a pious child and solehah we need to keep our morals, his deep morality is a major factor to be child pious and solehah, if we are not kept morals unlikely we will be pious and solehah child ...
3. practice was maintained because the Almighty Son of the pious and solehah need to keep practice, and practice it is solely his deep Almighty ... Sometimes we as human beings are also deceitful in doing good deeds to God principally in prayer ... for be a child who solehah and solehah need to prioritize such cases compulsory prayers at the beginning of time ... kind of mane we be best scholars and pious child who solehah if our prayers not guarded ... if we kept praying God willing, practice - practice we will be more organized ... but it is also to be solehah pious child and is necessary to make the Quran as when his best friend was always happy and hard ... wet tongue with al-quran and dhikrullah ... God willing, to be pious and solehah child is in any self any child who holds them.
4 There is no love but love to God, No miss besides longing for the Messenger of Love is the nature of every human being is his deep human need spouse, those children and solehah pious, God love overcome the love of everything ... if the love of God has been enthroned in the hearts, love the Prophet is love and love your parents so after that ... there is no term for every human couple who marry his deep yet it is merely lust ... make love after marriage is the most valuable favors for every pair it ... by it, for couples who have already what the fuck it says anything is legitimate nexus with marriage ... children become pious son and solehah not ??? When making love, there must be a feeling of longing ??? The problem is, is there any we missed the Prophet over again or missed the lover overcome everything ??? This case actually could not deny his own children when we see our young when increasingly sophisticated technology, it may be in luahkan feelings through various ways such as on mobile via 'sms' ... yahoo messenger and so on ... but we are subject to recall, let longing for the Messenger overcome everything traits ... that wanted to be pious and solehah.
5) Love is only in your parents, teachers and friends was always loved ... Children solehah pious and affectionate parents need to put the most important than his deep affection than those without them it is impossible to be born to this world. We may see the sacrifice of a mother who endure suffering and hardship we render pregnant for 9 months 10 days. Mother, too, who can afford to tear the eyes if the child does not sleep the night how much more if the child was ill, the mother, too, who will take care of us. So how we must give love to our mother. Parents also do not lack, seeking sustenance to feed the children and lead children to study. Do we not feel how great the sacrifice of parents for each child ...
Teachers are our second parents when at school ... no teachers who teach their pupils to be taught how much more civilized the case - a case that is not beneficial ... they all want children to their students prosper and become a useful human being for families and communities .. that properties for a pious child and solehah to love and respect the teachers. Children also need solehah pious and loving friends, but before that let find friends who provide us with mutual benefits to recall the remembrance of each other ... not just ordinary friends ... able to sacrifice when his hard and happy ... that's the best of friends ... "Children pious and solehah as treasure, always praying, so prosperous and happy ".
1彼はシャリーア·イスラムシャリアから取得していない場所ながら、第2回親子SholehこのSholehahは、常に彼らの両親に従う従ってください。この子は、私たちは自分自身を考えるとmuhasabahましょう???私たちの両親に従う常にあるように、私たちは、私たちは今まで私たちの両親に失礼と言っていることを?? 「そして、あなたの主は、あなたが神(GOD)以外に崇拝しないと、両方に良いことをしなければならないことを命じられた:うまくいけば、私たちは意図していた15に23をjuzukふくらはぎAL-Israa'詩神の言葉以上のグループに属していないあなたの父の母親だけでなく、可能。 2の一方または両方が後見まで住んでいた場合は、一度時間が「2つの言葉 "ああ"と言うと、彼らに叫ぶ彼らに、その高貴なスピーチを言うことはありませんん。
2ガードさ行動や道徳を維持した。 Solehah敬虔な子といつもまして家族に恥をもたらす可能性があります事をする...自分を苦しめることが、これらの例がやったよりも動作を維持していた...全く人間はありません、私たちが、時には私たちが作るケースを感じていない場合であっても、小さな罪を行うよりも離れて放棄今後の罪が...しかし、神は私たちが罪をすれば、私たちはすぐにistighfarと...全能に許しを請う私たちは道徳を維持する必要が敬虔な子とsolehahであるために...ほとんどの寛容である、彼の深い道徳子にするための主要な要因である私たちはそうモラルを守っていない場合敬虔とsolehah、私達は信心深いとsolehah子になります...
全能敬虔なの息子とsolehahは?時には私たちのような人間は祈りの中で主に神に善行を行う際にも偽りです...練習を維持し、それは単に彼の深い全能で練習する必要があるため、3。練習は維持されたsolehahとsolehahは時間の初めにこのような場合に強制的な祈りの優先順位を決定する必要がある子に...私たちは私たちの祈りが守られていない場合はsolehah最高の学者や敬虔な子にたてがみのようなもの...私たちは、神が喜んで祈って守れば、練習 - 私たちはより組織になる練習を...しかし、それはすることでもあるsolehah敬虔な子供と敬虔とsolehah子であるとすると、いずれの自己でそれらを保持しているすべての子で、神が喜んで...彼の親友が常にアル·コーランとdhikrullahに満足し、ハード...濡れた舌だったときのようにコーランを行うことが必要である。
学校で...どのくらいのより文明場合教えられるために彼らの生徒を教える全く教師とき先生は私たちの第二の親である - 有益ではない場合は...彼らはすべて彼らの学生に子供が繁栄し、家族や地域社会のために役立ち、人間になりたくない...という教師を愛し、尊重する敬虔な子とsolehahのプロパティ。子供たちはまた、それは友人のベストです...信心深い、愛情のある友人をsolehahが、それはさせたときに彼のハードと幸せ犠牲にすることができ、互い...だけではなく、普通の友人...の記憶を思い出して相互利益を提供してくれる友達を見つける前に、必要があります...」宝物として信心深いとsolehah子供たちは、常に "、とても豊かで幸せ祈る。
Courtship According to Islamic view & イスラムビューによると求愛
Problem courtship today seems to be a common phenomenon among young people. Perhaps this phenomenon as a result of the influence of the romance stories romance, novels, films and song lyrics. Giving the impression that life in adolescence had to be sprinkled with flowers romance, romance stories, there must remain as a partner to swap stories and share a sense.
There appears so far there has been no standard notion of courtship. But at least in it there will be some form of interaction between men and women without marriage.
If further review is actually going to be part of Western culture. Because Western society usually endorse any phase of hetero sexual relations before marriage in human life like puppy love, dating, going steady, and engagement.
However they were dating, if sexual freedom in courtship is defined as the relationship of husband and wife, then they firmly refused. However, it is not as if interpreted as an expression of affection and love, as a means to choose a life partner.
But in fact, the dating will be difficult in terms of harm than of benefit. An example: people tend to reminisce dating his girlfriend. Spare time (eg for students) filled many things like daydreaming or fantasizing. Amanah to learn reduced or even abandoned. Usually students still got a shipment of the parents. Is remittances to live and buy a book that is not absorbed to courtship?
For this reason scholars perceive, that this model is going out on the mandate parental tyranny. In the socio-cultural religious societies, courtship will invite libel, even relatively naive. Inevitably, people who are dating will gradually eroded infiltration into late-Islam in his heart, could even lead to the destruction of morals and morals. Na'udzubillah forbid!
There have been many picture's moral decay as a result of courtship, or promiscuity that has occurred as a result of modern science and civilization. Islam itself as a refinement-dien dien not give an explanation of the less sophisticated dating. Courtship in Islam synonymous with ta'aruf but is not dating but woo, which is expressed as the Prophet said: "If one of you woo a woman is, if she could see the woman who will be in pinangnya, then take a look." (Reported by Ahmad and Abu Dawud).
But Islam also, clearly states that dating is not the way that God approves, because many aspects of harm. Every people who are dating tend to meet, sit, go hang out together. This is clearly a violation of the Shari'ah! Prohibition against seeing or hanging out with his wife instead. As mentioned in Bukhari and Muslim from Ibn Abbas that means: "Let not one of you quiet-quiet with a woman, except with the opposite sex" Tabarani and Al-Hakim also narrated from Hudhayfah in another hadith: "eye glance the poisonous arrows of the devil, whoever left for fear of me, then I will replace it with perfect faith that he can feel the sense of sweetness in the heart. "
But there may also be among those who tried to "postulate" to put forward an argument based on a hadith of the Prophet narrated by Imam Abu Daud follows: "He who loves for Allah, hates for Allah, or to give as God, and did not want to give because God, then that person really has perfected his faith. "Put them it is the people who have a strong rope of faith, which is not going to fall (too) far in going through the" world of dating "them. But we also have the right to ask: to what extent they can control the steering "the boat going out" it? And if we return again to the hadith which they pointed out that, to those who have love for God is one aspect of a complement of one's faith, and how much they love each other it's really because of God? And how do they realize "love for God" is? If (for example) no-lift ride on a bicycle event, a two-pair, or even to go to the genitalia (in the proper sense other than the tread face and two hands) for the girl, or others, whether it could be categorized as "love for God? "The answer is definitely not!
In this respect the role of parents is very important in the association overseeing their children, especially the more lead to association with other types. Is a negligence if the parents let their children mix freely with non-married individuals. Therefore a wise attitude for parents to see their children when it's time to get married, is immediately implemented.
この理由のための学者は、このモデルが任務親の圧政に外出していることを、認識する。社会文化的、宗教的な社会では、求愛は比較的素朴な、名誉毀損を招待します。必然的に、付き合っている人は次第に心の中で後半にイスラムへの浸潤を浸食し、あってもモラルや道徳の破壊につながる可能性があります。 Na'udzubillah禁じる!
現代科学と文明の結果として発生した求愛、または混乱の結果として、多くの絵の道徳的な崩壊がありました。洗練ジエンジエンなどのイスラム自体はあまり洗練されたデートの説明を与えるものではありませ。 ta'arufの代名詞イスラム教における求愛なくはさかのぼるが、預言者が言ったように表現される、懇願されていません: "あなたの一つは、彼女がpinangnyaになります女性を見ることができれば女性は、ある懇願場合は、見てみましょう」 (アフマドとアブDawudによる報告)。
しかし、イスラム教はまた、明らかに害の多くの側面から、出会い系は、神が承認する方法ではありませんと述べている。付き合っているすべての人が一緒にたむろし、満たして座って、行く傾向にある。これは明らかにシャリーアに違反です!見てまたはその代わりに彼の妻と一緒に出かけるの禁止。ブハーリーとイブン·アッバースからイスラム教徒で述べたように意味:別のハディースでHudhayfahからナレーションTabaraniとアル·ハキム"異性とのを除いて静かな、静かな女性とのあなたの1、ないようにしましょう": "眼の視線を私の恐れのために残さ誰でも悪魔の毒矢印は、その後私は彼が心に甘さの感覚を感じることができる完璧な信仰に置き換えられます。"
「アッラーのために愛している彼は、アッラーのために嫌い、あるいは神として与えるために、そしてために与えることを望んでいない:しかし、またイマームアブダウドナレーション預言者のハディースに基づいて議論を進めるための「仮説」は、以下のことを試みた人たちの間であってもよい神は、その人は本当に彼の信仰を完成させました。その"出会い系の世界"それは遠くを通過するには(あまりにも)落ちするつもりはない信仰の強いロープを、持っている人である、それらを入れて」。どの程度まで彼らは、ステアリングを制御することができ、それを「ボートが出て行く」:しかし、私たちはまた、求める権利がありますか?私たちは、彼らが神への愛を持っている人に自分の信仰の補数の一つの側面である、と指摘したハディースに再び戻り、どれだけ彼らはお互いを愛していれば、それが原因神は本当にですか?そして、どのように彼らは「神の愛」を実現されているのですか?女の子、または他人のために(トレッド面と両手以外の本来の意味で)性器に行く場合でも、(例えば)ノーリフト自転車イベントに乗って、2ペア、または、それは神への愛」に分類することができるかどうか? "答えは絶対にないです!
Problem courtship today seems to be a common phenomenon among young people. Perhaps this phenomenon as a result of the influence of the romance stories romance, novels, films and song lyrics. Giving the impression that life in adolescence had to be sprinkled with flowers romance, romance stories, there must remain as a partner to swap stories and share a sense.
There appears so far there has been no standard notion of courtship. But at least in it there will be some form of interaction between men and women without marriage.
If further review is actually going to be part of Western culture. Because Western society usually endorse any phase of hetero sexual relations before marriage in human life like puppy love, dating, going steady, and engagement.
However they were dating, if sexual freedom in courtship is defined as the relationship of husband and wife, then they firmly refused. However, it is not as if interpreted as an expression of affection and love, as a means to choose a life partner.
But in fact, the dating will be difficult in terms of harm than of benefit. An example: people tend to reminisce dating his girlfriend. Spare time (eg for students) filled many things like daydreaming or fantasizing. Amanah to learn reduced or even abandoned. Usually students still got a shipment of the parents. Is remittances to live and buy a book that is not absorbed to courtship?
For this reason scholars perceive, that this model is going out on the mandate parental tyranny. In the socio-cultural religious societies, courtship will invite libel, even relatively naive. Inevitably, people who are dating will gradually eroded infiltration into late-Islam in his heart, could even lead to the destruction of morals and morals. Na'udzubillah forbid!
There have been many picture's moral decay as a result of courtship, or promiscuity that has occurred as a result of modern science and civilization. Islam itself as a refinement-dien dien not give an explanation of the less sophisticated dating. Courtship in Islam synonymous with ta'aruf but is not dating but woo, which is expressed as the Prophet said: "If one of you woo a woman is, if she could see the woman who will be in pinangnya, then take a look." (Reported by Ahmad and Abu Dawud).
But Islam also, clearly states that dating is not the way that God approves, because many aspects of harm. Every people who are dating tend to meet, sit, go hang out together. This is clearly a violation of the Shari'ah! Prohibition against seeing or hanging out with his wife instead. As mentioned in Bukhari and Muslim from Ibn Abbas that means: "Let not one of you quiet-quiet with a woman, except with the opposite sex" Tabarani and Al-Hakim also narrated from Hudhayfah in another hadith: "eye glance the poisonous arrows of the devil, whoever left for fear of me, then I will replace it with perfect faith that he can feel the sense of sweetness in the heart. "
But there may also be among those who tried to "postulate" to put forward an argument based on a hadith of the Prophet narrated by Imam Abu Daud follows: "He who loves for Allah, hates for Allah, or to give as God, and did not want to give because God, then that person really has perfected his faith. "Put them it is the people who have a strong rope of faith, which is not going to fall (too) far in going through the" world of dating "them. But we also have the right to ask: to what extent they can control the steering "the boat going out" it? And if we return again to the hadith which they pointed out that, to those who have love for God is one aspect of a complement of one's faith, and how much they love each other it's really because of God? And how do they realize "love for God" is? If (for example) no-lift ride on a bicycle event, a two-pair, or even to go to the genitalia (in the proper sense other than the tread face and two hands) for the girl, or others, whether it could be categorized as "love for God? "The answer is definitely not!
In this respect the role of parents is very important in the association overseeing their children, especially the more lead to association with other types. Is a negligence if the parents let their children mix freely with non-married individuals. Therefore a wise attitude for parents to see their children when it's time to get married, is immediately implemented.
この理由のための学者は、このモデルが任務親の圧政に外出していることを、認識する。社会文化的、宗教的な社会では、求愛は比較的素朴な、名誉毀損を招待します。必然的に、付き合っている人は次第に心の中で後半にイスラムへの浸潤を浸食し、あってもモラルや道徳の破壊につながる可能性があります。 Na'udzubillah禁じる!
現代科学と文明の結果として発生した求愛、または混乱の結果として、多くの絵の道徳的な崩壊がありました。洗練ジエンジエンなどのイスラム自体はあまり洗練されたデートの説明を与えるものではありませ。 ta'arufの代名詞イスラム教における求愛なくはさかのぼるが、預言者が言ったように表現される、懇願されていません: "あなたの一つは、彼女がpinangnyaになります女性を見ることができれば女性は、ある懇願場合は、見てみましょう」 (アフマドとアブDawudによる報告)。
しかし、イスラム教はまた、明らかに害の多くの側面から、出会い系は、神が承認する方法ではありませんと述べている。付き合っているすべての人が一緒にたむろし、満たして座って、行く傾向にある。これは明らかにシャリーアに違反です!見てまたはその代わりに彼の妻と一緒に出かけるの禁止。ブハーリーとイブン·アッバースからイスラム教徒で述べたように意味:別のハディースでHudhayfahからナレーションTabaraniとアル·ハキム"異性とのを除いて静かな、静かな女性とのあなたの1、ないようにしましょう": "眼の視線を私の恐れのために残さ誰でも悪魔の毒矢印は、その後私は彼が心に甘さの感覚を感じることができる完璧な信仰に置き換えられます。"
「アッラーのために愛している彼は、アッラーのために嫌い、あるいは神として与えるために、そしてために与えることを望んでいない:しかし、またイマームアブダウドナレーション預言者のハディースに基づいて議論を進めるための「仮説」は、以下のことを試みた人たちの間であってもよい神は、その人は本当に彼の信仰を完成させました。その"出会い系の世界"それは遠くを通過するには(あまりにも)落ちするつもりはない信仰の強いロープを、持っている人である、それらを入れて」。どの程度まで彼らは、ステアリングを制御することができ、それを「ボートが出て行く」:しかし、私たちはまた、求める権利がありますか?私たちは、彼らが神への愛を持っている人に自分の信仰の補数の一つの側面である、と指摘したハディースに再び戻り、どれだけ彼らはお互いを愛していれば、それが原因神は本当にですか?そして、どのように彼らは「神の愛」を実現されているのですか?女の子、または他人のために(トレッド面と両手以外の本来の意味で)性器に行く場合でも、(例えば)ノーリフト自転車イベントに乗って、2ペア、または、それは神への愛」に分類することができるかどうか? "答えは絶対にないです!
Rabu, 17 September 2014
Paying attention to the signs of God in yourself & 自分を神の兆候に注意を払う
Paying attention to the signs of God in yourself & 自分を神の兆候に注意を払う
Paying attention to the signs of God in yourself
And in the earth there are signs (power of God) for those who believe,
and (also) in yourselves. So do you not pay attention (QS. Adh-Dzariyat [51]: 20-21)
Imam Al Ghazali never encourages us to simply pay attention to the creation of the hand and its functions in order to understand how his almighty Allah.
Let us note. With a very impressive construction, Allah makes us the only pair of hands is very multi-functional. At the time of development, it could be a hand rake, shovel, can be a bit close the canting to draw water. Continue to try to unite. By positioning his hands together tightly and this can be a dipper. At the time of clenched, he could be a hammer, bat. Remove, open and close. Never too hot and not found anything to be a fan? Try shaking hands with this position, God willing, emergency fan can cause wind. Not bad. It was in a state together, hand function in unity. In its own circumstances were these fingers, Subhanallah. Ever had nailed to the wall with tacks? Bother looking for a small hammer? Try press using your thumb, God willing embedded it also tacks. Fad want to clean the dirt in the nose? Do not use your thumb. It was forefinger task. And so on. Please find themselves the functions of each finger.
But now imagine God created our hands are not segmented, not segmented and fused between the thumb with the other fingers. Its function may be like a spear, because rigidly and fused. With this position, how would you take the usual function of the little finger go into the ear hole when our ears itch? Or try to match your nose with the hands like this. Will not be able to, right? This all shows us, that such perfect creation of God called this man so to see His power is sufficient to pay attention to ourselves. Subhanallah.
Similarly, His almighty Allah, so as to show his greatness we simply see ourselves. 'Ala kulli things, God is omnipotent so that his creation named this man - and his creations other, really in a perfect creation. Only we are often lax, rarely pay attention to ourselves. Regarding those who often neglect like this in another verse Allah then asserted: Verily We created man in the best form. Then We return him to place as low, (QS. 95: 4-5)
As a result of the negligence of yourself, people will tend to neglect grateful for the gift of this perfect creation. People who neglect grateful, then did not want to bow, not submissive to worship Him. These are the apostates, who had returned to the place to get rations as low. God forbid.
Let us pay attention to a lot of ourselves and the divine creation of nature is to increase our gratitude, improve submission, obedience we worship Him.
But do good as Allah has been good to you
(これも)自分にある。だから、注意を払っていない(QS ADH-Dzariyat [51]:20-21)
私たちは注意しましょう。非常に印象的な構成によれば、アッラーは私たちの手の唯一のペアは非常に多機能であることができます。現像時には、手の熊手、シャベルとすることができ、ビットが水を描画するカンを閉じることができる。団結しようとし続けます。と一緒にしっかりと手を配置することによって、これはひしゃくすることができます。食いしばっている時点で、彼はハンマー、バットである可能性があります。 、開いたり閉じたり削除します。熱すぎる決してファンであることには何も見つからなかった?この位置と握手してみてください、神喜んで、緊急時のファンが風を引き起こす可能性があります。悪くない。それは、一緒の状態で団結手の機能だった。自身の状況では、Subhanallahこれらの指だった。今までのタックで壁に打ち付けていた?小さなハンマーを探してわざわざ?親指、神喜んでも、それを埋め込まれた鋲を使用してプレスしてみてください。流行は、鼻の中の汚れをきれいにしたいですか?親指を使用しないでください。それは人差し指作業でした。などなど。それ自体が各指の機能を見つけてください。
しかし、今、神は私たちの手は、セグメント化されていないセグメント化され、他の指と親指の間で融合されていない作成し想像してみてください。強固と融合したので、その機能は、槍のようであってもよい。この位置を使用すると、小指の通常の機能を利用する方法とき私たちの耳のかゆみ耳の穴に行く?またはこのような手で鼻を一致させよう。右、することができません?このすべては神のような完璧作成はとても彼の力を表示するには、この男と呼ばれる自分自身に注意を払うのに十分であることを、私たちを示しています。 Subhanallah。
彼の偉大さを示すように同様に、彼の全能のアッラーは、単純に自分自身を参照してください。本当に完璧な作成に、そして他の彼の作品 - 「アラkulliの事、神は彼の創造は、この人の名前となるよう全能である。だけが、私たちはほとんど自分自身に注意を払うん、しばしば緩いです。多くの場合、アッラーはアサート別の詩では次のように無視した者について:本当に私たちは、最高の形で人を創造された。そして私たちは、限り低く置くために彼を返す(QSを95:4-5)
Paying attention to the signs of God in yourself
And in the earth there are signs (power of God) for those who believe,
and (also) in yourselves. So do you not pay attention (QS. Adh-Dzariyat [51]: 20-21)
Imam Al Ghazali never encourages us to simply pay attention to the creation of the hand and its functions in order to understand how his almighty Allah.
Let us note. With a very impressive construction, Allah makes us the only pair of hands is very multi-functional. At the time of development, it could be a hand rake, shovel, can be a bit close the canting to draw water. Continue to try to unite. By positioning his hands together tightly and this can be a dipper. At the time of clenched, he could be a hammer, bat. Remove, open and close. Never too hot and not found anything to be a fan? Try shaking hands with this position, God willing, emergency fan can cause wind. Not bad. It was in a state together, hand function in unity. In its own circumstances were these fingers, Subhanallah. Ever had nailed to the wall with tacks? Bother looking for a small hammer? Try press using your thumb, God willing embedded it also tacks. Fad want to clean the dirt in the nose? Do not use your thumb. It was forefinger task. And so on. Please find themselves the functions of each finger.
But now imagine God created our hands are not segmented, not segmented and fused between the thumb with the other fingers. Its function may be like a spear, because rigidly and fused. With this position, how would you take the usual function of the little finger go into the ear hole when our ears itch? Or try to match your nose with the hands like this. Will not be able to, right? This all shows us, that such perfect creation of God called this man so to see His power is sufficient to pay attention to ourselves. Subhanallah.
Similarly, His almighty Allah, so as to show his greatness we simply see ourselves. 'Ala kulli things, God is omnipotent so that his creation named this man - and his creations other, really in a perfect creation. Only we are often lax, rarely pay attention to ourselves. Regarding those who often neglect like this in another verse Allah then asserted: Verily We created man in the best form. Then We return him to place as low, (QS. 95: 4-5)
As a result of the negligence of yourself, people will tend to neglect grateful for the gift of this perfect creation. People who neglect grateful, then did not want to bow, not submissive to worship Him. These are the apostates, who had returned to the place to get rations as low. God forbid.
Let us pay attention to a lot of ourselves and the divine creation of nature is to increase our gratitude, improve submission, obedience we worship Him.
But do good as Allah has been good to you
(これも)自分にある。だから、注意を払っていない(QS ADH-Dzariyat [51]:20-21)
私たちは注意しましょう。非常に印象的な構成によれば、アッラーは私たちの手の唯一のペアは非常に多機能であることができます。現像時には、手の熊手、シャベルとすることができ、ビットが水を描画するカンを閉じることができる。団結しようとし続けます。と一緒にしっかりと手を配置することによって、これはひしゃくすることができます。食いしばっている時点で、彼はハンマー、バットである可能性があります。 、開いたり閉じたり削除します。熱すぎる決してファンであることには何も見つからなかった?この位置と握手してみてください、神喜んで、緊急時のファンが風を引き起こす可能性があります。悪くない。それは、一緒の状態で団結手の機能だった。自身の状況では、Subhanallahこれらの指だった。今までのタックで壁に打ち付けていた?小さなハンマーを探してわざわざ?親指、神喜んでも、それを埋め込まれた鋲を使用してプレスしてみてください。流行は、鼻の中の汚れをきれいにしたいですか?親指を使用しないでください。それは人差し指作業でした。などなど。それ自体が各指の機能を見つけてください。
しかし、今、神は私たちの手は、セグメント化されていないセグメント化され、他の指と親指の間で融合されていない作成し想像してみてください。強固と融合したので、その機能は、槍のようであってもよい。この位置を使用すると、小指の通常の機能を利用する方法とき私たちの耳のかゆみ耳の穴に行く?またはこのような手で鼻を一致させよう。右、することができません?このすべては神のような完璧作成はとても彼の力を表示するには、この男と呼ばれる自分自身に注意を払うのに十分であることを、私たちを示しています。 Subhanallah。
彼の偉大さを示すように同様に、彼の全能のアッラーは、単純に自分自身を参照してください。本当に完璧な作成に、そして他の彼の作品 - 「アラkulliの事、神は彼の創造は、この人の名前となるよう全能である。だけが、私たちはほとんど自分自身に注意を払うん、しばしば緩いです。多くの場合、アッラーはアサート別の詩では次のように無視した者について:本当に私たちは、最高の形で人を創造された。そして私たちは、限り低く置くために彼を返す(QSを95:4-5)
See the greatness of God By Observing Behavior Frog & 行動カエルを観察することによって、神の偉大さを参照してください
See the greatness of God By Observing Behavior Frog & 行動カエルを観察することによって、神の偉大さを参照してください
See the greatness of God By Observing Behavior Frog
Each person would recognize the frog / toad because this animal is all around us. Tale of many frogs we heard when we were kids or can be read in fairy tale books about animals. In fact there used to be singing about frogs that call the rain. The singing of the frogs are well known are "digging frog". Even though these animals around us, maybe we rarely observe his behavior. For those who have a pool in his yard, these animals often come at night time when it rains or after rains. The arrival of toads, frogs can disturb sleep, especially us because his voice is loud and boisterous. Because of this frog appears time no rain, and where when there is no rain?
If we look around the house, sometimes we encounter this frog in the bushes around the house or place hidden among the rocks. We do not feel the presence of these frogs because these animals do not speak / sing when there is no rain. If noted, the rain seems to trigger these frogs mating. In finding the opposite sex for mating, these frogs seem to use voice / singing. The voice sounded very loud, especially at the middle of the night. Feeling sleep is often disrupted by the sound of frogs are very loud, then when before going to sleep hearing the sound of a frog, I was out of the house to catch and throw it into the form of backyard gardens. Between the house and the garden there is a high parapet with approximately 2.5 m and therefore can not return again to the toad house high over the wall. I feel strange, why in the middle of the night my house crowded again by the sound of frogs when the frogs have me arrested and thrown into the back of my house. Keep in mind, the Beetle came to my house to do a marriage then spawn in the pond located beside the house. Almost every night of the incident recurring. Because of this, I was asked if the frog is a frog come midnight I waste behind the house or there is another frog that comes into the house. My house is the third house on the edge of the highway. Complex between the house and road there drains / sewers that there is always water. Feeling curious about these questions, then when I catch a frog again between 7-9 hours a night, on the advice of my son, all I caught frogs paint using white paint for easy viewing at night. At midnight, when I was sleep interrupted by the sound of the frogs, then I woke up and then went to the side yard to catch and throw the frogs back into the house. I am out of the house with a flashlight. What I saw was surprising because a lot of frogs with white on his back. I mean frog thrown into the back of the house, back to my house again. The following night, I was back catching frogs in the front yard before coming to the pool frog. When I was looking for frogs captured and thrown into the back of the house, there are many frogs with white on his back that came to my house. This frog active night so I caught frogs at night. To come to the pond which is located next to the house for the purpose of mating and laying eggs after my exhaust to the back of the house, the frog would have to take a detour with a minimum distance of 130 m. Trip to the frog home through the bush bush and even go up and down the ditch water. My question is that why the frogs always return to my house and how he knows in the side yard of my house there is a pool that can be used to lay their eggs? On those occasions, we can feel / see the greatness of God through the creatures. It seems that God has created specific sensor detecting water in the frog pond so frogs can find a pool of water in my house. If only the sensor to detect water, of course, the frog will come into every home because every home has a bath tub filled with water or he simply got existing ditch along the highway. God has given a very specific sensor frogs to find breeding sites that contain pools of water so that he can continue his descendants / breeding. When these frogs lay their eggs in the gutter, the eggs may be washed away and destroyed objects formed along the gutter. Here God shows his greatness through the creature of his creation to equip it with a very specific sensors. The frog struggles to come to the pool at my house is huge because of the outside of the house to get to the pool also have to go through another obstacle, namely two fence between the house and fence front yard and pool.
The second Greatness By Allah demonstrated through frog is the number of eggs laid. This frog laid hundreds or even thousands of eggs in order to anticipate the extinction of descent. From the thousands of eggs, due to natural disturbances, probably only a few that can reach adulthood. One example is a natural disturbance that always throw my eggs from the pond. Although I had been throwing eggs frog eggs visible in the pond, probably many eggs that escaped from my observations so that hatch into tadpoles. Tadpole even this I took from the pool and then discarded, but there are still eluding me so successfully into adult frogs back within a limited though. If this frog spawn only slightly, the frog may have become extinct due to natural disturbances. In the wild, frogs have many predators are certainly ready to destroy it, if only a little egg lay.
From these observations, Allah clearly show the greatness to us through frog is equipped with a sensor that is very specific to find a pool of water and gives the frog the ability to produce many eggs, so avoid extinction due to the ferocity of nature. Almighty God.
See the greatness of God By Observing Behavior Frog
Each person would recognize the frog / toad because this animal is all around us. Tale of many frogs we heard when we were kids or can be read in fairy tale books about animals. In fact there used to be singing about frogs that call the rain. The singing of the frogs are well known are "digging frog". Even though these animals around us, maybe we rarely observe his behavior. For those who have a pool in his yard, these animals often come at night time when it rains or after rains. The arrival of toads, frogs can disturb sleep, especially us because his voice is loud and boisterous. Because of this frog appears time no rain, and where when there is no rain?
If we look around the house, sometimes we encounter this frog in the bushes around the house or place hidden among the rocks. We do not feel the presence of these frogs because these animals do not speak / sing when there is no rain. If noted, the rain seems to trigger these frogs mating. In finding the opposite sex for mating, these frogs seem to use voice / singing. The voice sounded very loud, especially at the middle of the night. Feeling sleep is often disrupted by the sound of frogs are very loud, then when before going to sleep hearing the sound of a frog, I was out of the house to catch and throw it into the form of backyard gardens. Between the house and the garden there is a high parapet with approximately 2.5 m and therefore can not return again to the toad house high over the wall. I feel strange, why in the middle of the night my house crowded again by the sound of frogs when the frogs have me arrested and thrown into the back of my house. Keep in mind, the Beetle came to my house to do a marriage then spawn in the pond located beside the house. Almost every night of the incident recurring. Because of this, I was asked if the frog is a frog come midnight I waste behind the house or there is another frog that comes into the house. My house is the third house on the edge of the highway. Complex between the house and road there drains / sewers that there is always water. Feeling curious about these questions, then when I catch a frog again between 7-9 hours a night, on the advice of my son, all I caught frogs paint using white paint for easy viewing at night. At midnight, when I was sleep interrupted by the sound of the frogs, then I woke up and then went to the side yard to catch and throw the frogs back into the house. I am out of the house with a flashlight. What I saw was surprising because a lot of frogs with white on his back. I mean frog thrown into the back of the house, back to my house again. The following night, I was back catching frogs in the front yard before coming to the pool frog. When I was looking for frogs captured and thrown into the back of the house, there are many frogs with white on his back that came to my house. This frog active night so I caught frogs at night. To come to the pond which is located next to the house for the purpose of mating and laying eggs after my exhaust to the back of the house, the frog would have to take a detour with a minimum distance of 130 m. Trip to the frog home through the bush bush and even go up and down the ditch water. My question is that why the frogs always return to my house and how he knows in the side yard of my house there is a pool that can be used to lay their eggs? On those occasions, we can feel / see the greatness of God through the creatures. It seems that God has created specific sensor detecting water in the frog pond so frogs can find a pool of water in my house. If only the sensor to detect water, of course, the frog will come into every home because every home has a bath tub filled with water or he simply got existing ditch along the highway. God has given a very specific sensor frogs to find breeding sites that contain pools of water so that he can continue his descendants / breeding. When these frogs lay their eggs in the gutter, the eggs may be washed away and destroyed objects formed along the gutter. Here God shows his greatness through the creature of his creation to equip it with a very specific sensors. The frog struggles to come to the pool at my house is huge because of the outside of the house to get to the pool also have to go through another obstacle, namely two fence between the house and fence front yard and pool.
The second Greatness By Allah demonstrated through frog is the number of eggs laid. This frog laid hundreds or even thousands of eggs in order to anticipate the extinction of descent. From the thousands of eggs, due to natural disturbances, probably only a few that can reach adulthood. One example is a natural disturbance that always throw my eggs from the pond. Although I had been throwing eggs frog eggs visible in the pond, probably many eggs that escaped from my observations so that hatch into tadpoles. Tadpole even this I took from the pool and then discarded, but there are still eluding me so successfully into adult frogs back within a limited though. If this frog spawn only slightly, the frog may have become extinct due to natural disturbances. In the wild, frogs have many predators are certainly ready to destroy it, if only a little egg lay.
From these observations, Allah clearly show the greatness to us through frog is equipped with a sensor that is very specific to find a pool of water and gives the frog the ability to produce many eggs, so avoid extinction due to the ferocity of nature. Almighty God.
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