pious child or sholehah is they who hold a dream every child,, Do we belong in the characteristics of children pious or sholehah ???! .. Let's we think about it ...
1 Obey 2nd Parent & Child Sholeh this Sholehah always obey their parents while where he does not get out of Shari'a-Islamic Shari'a. Us that as this child is there always obey our parents ??? Let us contemplate & muhasabah ourselves, are we ever say disrespectful to our parents ??? Hopefully we do not belong in the group above the Word of GOD in the sura AL-Israa 'verse that juzuk 23 to 15 were intended: "And your Lord has commanded that you do not worship besides Him (GOD) and you shall do good to both your father's mother as well as possible. If one of the two or both lived up to the guardianship, the once-times do you say to the two words "ah" and do not yell at them and say to them that noble speech ".
2. guarded behavior and morals maintained. Solehah pious child and was always keeping behavior than did those cases that may afflict yourself ... how much more do the things which may bring shame to the family ... There is no human disclaimed apart than do small sin even when we are not feeling sometimes the case that we make the upcoming sin ... but GOD is Most Forgiving ... if we do sin, we quickly istighfar and beg for forgiveness to Almighty ... to be a pious child and solehah we need to keep our morals, his deep morality is a major factor to be child pious and solehah, if we are not kept morals unlikely we will be pious and solehah child ...
3. practice was maintained because the Almighty Son of the pious and solehah need to keep practice, and practice it is solely his deep Almighty ... Sometimes we as human beings are also deceitful in doing good deeds to God principally in prayer ... for be a child who solehah and solehah need to prioritize such cases compulsory prayers at the beginning of time ... kind of mane we be best scholars and pious child who solehah if our prayers not guarded ... if we kept praying God willing, practice - practice we will be more organized ... but it is also to be solehah pious child and is necessary to make the Quran as when his best friend was always happy and hard ... wet tongue with al-quran and dhikrullah ... God willing, to be pious and solehah child is in any self any child who holds them.
4 There is no love but love to God, No miss besides longing for the Messenger of Love is the nature of every human being is his deep human need spouse, those children and solehah pious, God love overcome the love of everything ... if the love of God has been enthroned in the hearts, love the Prophet is love and love your parents so after that ... there is no term for every human couple who marry his deep yet it is merely lust ... make love after marriage is the most valuable favors for every pair it ... by it, for couples who have already what the fuck it says anything is legitimate nexus with marriage ... children become pious son and solehah not ??? When making love, there must be a feeling of longing ??? The problem is, is there any we missed the Prophet over again or missed the lover overcome everything ??? This case actually could not deny his own children when we see our young when increasingly sophisticated technology, it may be in luahkan feelings through various ways such as on mobile via 'sms' ... yahoo messenger and so on ... but we are subject to recall, let longing for the Messenger overcome everything traits ... that wanted to be pious and solehah.
5) Love is only in your parents, teachers and friends was always loved ... Children solehah pious and affectionate parents need to put the most important than his deep affection than those without them it is impossible to be born to this world. We may see the sacrifice of a mother who endure suffering and hardship we render pregnant for 9 months 10 days. Mother, too, who can afford to tear the eyes if the child does not sleep the night how much more if the child was ill, the mother, too, who will take care of us. So how we must give love to our mother. Parents also do not lack, seeking sustenance to feed the children and lead children to study. Do we not feel how great the sacrifice of parents for each child ...
Teachers are our second parents when at school ... no teachers who teach their pupils to be taught how much more civilized the case - a case that is not beneficial ... they all want children to their students prosper and become a useful human being for families and communities .. that properties for a pious child and solehah to love and respect the teachers. Children also need solehah pious and loving friends, but before that let find friends who provide us with mutual benefits to recall the remembrance of each other ... not just ordinary friends ... able to sacrifice when his hard and happy ... that's the best of friends ... "Children pious and solehah as treasure, always praying, so prosperous and happy ".
1彼はシャリーア·イスラムシャリアから取得していない場所ながら、第2回親子SholehこのSholehahは、常に彼らの両親に従う従ってください。この子は、私たちは自分自身を考えるとmuhasabahましょう???私たちの両親に従う常にあるように、私たちは、私たちは今まで私たちの両親に失礼と言っていることを?? 「そして、あなたの主は、あなたが神(GOD)以外に崇拝しないと、両方に良いことをしなければならないことを命じられた:うまくいけば、私たちは意図していた15に23をjuzukふくらはぎAL-Israa'詩神の言葉以上のグループに属していないあなたの父の母親だけでなく、可能。 2の一方または両方が後見まで住んでいた場合は、一度時間が「2つの言葉 "ああ"と言うと、彼らに叫ぶ彼らに、その高貴なスピーチを言うことはありませんん。
2ガードさ行動や道徳を維持した。 Solehah敬虔な子といつもまして家族に恥をもたらす可能性があります事をする...自分を苦しめることが、これらの例がやったよりも動作を維持していた...全く人間はありません、私たちが、時には私たちが作るケースを感じていない場合であっても、小さな罪を行うよりも離れて放棄今後の罪が...しかし、神は私たちが罪をすれば、私たちはすぐにistighfarと...全能に許しを請う私たちは道徳を維持する必要が敬虔な子とsolehahであるために...ほとんどの寛容である、彼の深い道徳子にするための主要な要因である私たちはそうモラルを守っていない場合敬虔とsolehah、私達は信心深いとsolehah子になります...
全能敬虔なの息子とsolehahは?時には私たちのような人間は祈りの中で主に神に善行を行う際にも偽りです...練習を維持し、それは単に彼の深い全能で練習する必要があるため、3。練習は維持されたsolehahとsolehahは時間の初めにこのような場合に強制的な祈りの優先順位を決定する必要がある子に...私たちは私たちの祈りが守られていない場合はsolehah最高の学者や敬虔な子にたてがみのようなもの...私たちは、神が喜んで祈って守れば、練習 - 私たちはより組織になる練習を...しかし、それはすることでもあるsolehah敬虔な子供と敬虔とsolehah子であるとすると、いずれの自己でそれらを保持しているすべての子で、神が喜んで...彼の親友が常にアル·コーランとdhikrullahに満足し、ハード...濡れた舌だったときのようにコーランを行うことが必要である。
学校で...どのくらいのより文明場合教えられるために彼らの生徒を教える全く教師とき先生は私たちの第二の親である - 有益ではない場合は...彼らはすべて彼らの学生に子供が繁栄し、家族や地域社会のために役立ち、人間になりたくない...という教師を愛し、尊重する敬虔な子とsolehahのプロパティ。子供たちはまた、それは友人のベストです...信心深い、愛情のある友人をsolehahが、それはさせたときに彼のハードと幸せ犠牲にすることができ、互い...だけではなく、普通の友人...の記憶を思い出して相互利益を提供してくれる友達を見つける前に、必要があります...」宝物として信心深いとsolehah子供たちは、常に "、とても豊かで幸せ祈る。
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