Body Shape Prophet
not the one who boned too high, but not too short. His skin was not
white nor brown Caucasians. Her hair is curly, not too curly nor
straight rigid. He was appointed of God (as an apostle) at the age of
forty years.
He stay in Mecca (as Messengers) ten
years and in Medina ten years. He returned to Rahmatullah at the age of
sixty years. In head and beard there until twenty pieces which have
white hair. "(Narrated by Abu Raja 'ibn Sa'id Qutaibah, from Malik ibn
Anas, from Rabi'a ibn Abi` Abdurrahman sourced from Anas bin Malik)
Anas bin Malik is Nadr Abu Anas bin Malik al-Ansari al-Bukhari al
Khazraji. He lived with the Messenger of Allah and help he for ten
years.And he is a friend who most recently died in Basrah, which in the
year 71 AH
• eliminate narrator unit number of tens
(fulfilled). Because most of history states that the Prophet lived in
Mecca as the Apostle 13 years, and died at the age of 63 years.
was never a long-haired man who neatly groomed, dressed in red, which
is more handsome than the Messenger of Allah. His hair reached his
shoulders. Both shoulders field. he is not a man who was short and not
too high anyway. "(narrated by Mahmud bin Ghailan, of Waki ', from
Sufyan, from Abi Ishaq, which is sourced from al Bara bin` Azib ra)
Messenger of Allah is not stature too high nor too short. Boned He was
among his people. Kinky curl hair straight and not too stiff, but wavy
curls. Her body was not fat, not pointy chin and his face is rather
round. Her skin was reddish white. Her eyes were black and his eyelashes
tapering. His shoulders field. he has thick fur that extends from the
chest to the center. Tread arms and legs feel heavy. When he's running,
running upright as if he would go down to the low spot.
he turned the whole body go away. Between the two shoulders are
Khatamun Nubuwah, namely prophetic sign. He has the most generous hearts
among men. Words are the truest words ushered everyone.
temperament is very gentle and the most friendly in the association.
Anyone who saw it, will surely respect him. And anyone who ever knew him
gathered with him then surely he would love her. People who tell their
nature, must be said: "I never saw before and after that special person
that he saw." (Narrated by Ahmad ibn `Ubadah ad Dlabi al Basri, also
narrated by` Ali ibn Abu Ja'far Hujr and Muhammad bin al-Hussein, from
`Isa bin Yunus, from` Abdullah ibn `Umar, from Ibrahim bin Muhammad, a
son of one of` Ali ibn Abi Talib sourced kw of `Ali ibn Abi Talib kw)
has been shown to the Prophet. The Prophet Musa U.S. like a boy from
the tribe Syanu'ah. I saw also the Prophet `Isa son of Maryan U.S. turns
out I've seen people like him is `Urwah bin Mas'ud, I saw the Prophet
also Ibranim as apparently people who like him is this your friend (ie
the Prophet himself). I saw Gabriel turns out I've seen people like him
are Dihyah *. "(Narrated by Qutaibah from Layth ibn Sa'd bin Sa'id, from
Abi Zubair sourced from Jabir bin` Abdullah ra)
• there is a tribe in Yemen Syanu'ah stature they are.
• Urwah bin Mas'ud as Tsaqafi is a friend of the Prophet he embraced Islam in the year 9 AH
Dihyah is a friend who followed the Prophet sabilillah jihad after the
battle of Badr. He also was one of the followers Bai'atur Ridlwan
"The Messenger has a tenuous incisors. When
he's talking looks like there is a light that radiates out between the
two front teeth. "(Narrated by` Abdullah ibn `Abdurrahman, from Ibrahim
ibn Mundhir al Hizami, from` Abdul-`Aziz ibn Thabit az Zuhri, from
Ismail ibn Ibrahim, from Moses bin `Uqbah, from Kuraib sourced from Ibn`
never seen a seal (prophetic) .... It is situated between the two
shoulders of the Prophet. Shaped like a piece of red meat for pigeon
eggs. "(Narrated by Sa'eed ibn Ya'qub at Thalaqani of Job bin Jabir,
from Listen bin Harb sourced from Jabir bin Samurah ra)
Ali k.w. told the nature of the Prophet. then he would talk at length.
And he will say: 'Between the two shoulders are prophetic Khatam, the
seal of the Prophets. (Narrated by Ahmad ibn `Ubadah ad Dlabi` Ali ibn
Hujr and others, which they received from Isa bin Yunus from `Abdullah
ibn` Umar, from Ibrahim bin Muhammad `sourced from one of the sons of`
Ali ibn Abi Talib kw)
In a history, Alba'bin Ahmar al
Yasykuri hold a dialogue with Abu Zaid `Amr ibn al Ansari Akhthab as
follows: "Abu Zaid said:` Messenger of Allah said to me: `O Abu Zaid
came near me and wipe my back '. Then wiped his back, and felt fingers
touching fingers Khatam. I (alb 'ibn al Ahmar Yasykuri) Abu Zaid asked:
`Is it Khatam?' Abu Zaid replied:` collection of feathers * '. (Narrated
by Muhammad bin Bechar, from Abu `Asim bin Thabit on` Uzrah sourced
from Alba'bin Yasykuri al Ahmar)
• He said
the collection of feathers because it can only be felt by palpation
hand, do not see eye to eye. So it is said that it is based on mere
palpation, palpable by it is hair that grows around Khatam
は10年(メッセンジャーとして)メッカとメディナ 滞在
ンAbi`アブドゥルラフマンから、マリクイブンアナスから、アブラジャ 'イブンサイードQutaibahナレーション)
•アナスビンマリクはNADRアブアナスビンマリク·アル·アンサリ·アル·ブハーリーらKhazrajiです。彼はその年の71 AH、彼が最も最近バスラで亡くなった友人である10 years.Andのためにアッラーの使徒、助け、彼と住んでいた
短く、高すぎではなかった人ではない。」(マフムードビンGhailanナレーション、脇 'の、Sufyanから、アルバラbin` Azib
彼は全身を回すと離れて行く。 2肩の間Khatamun Nubuwah、すなわち予言サインがある。彼は男性の間で最も寛大な心を持っています。言葉は本当の言葉がみんなを迎えたです。
(アフマド·イブン `Ubadah広告Dlabiらバスリナレーションもアリ·イブン·アブJa'far
`から、イブラヒムビンムハンマドアリ·イブン·アビ·タリブは`のキロワットを調達of` 1の息子からのアブドラ·イブン·
Tsaqafiは彼が今年9 AHにイスラム教を受け入れた預言者の友人であるとしてUrwahビンMas'udを•
•Dihyahはバドルの戦いの後、預言者のsabilillahのジハードに続いた友人です。彼はまた、歴史的な信者Bai'atur Ridlwanの一つであった。
イブン `アブドゥルラフマン、by`ナレーション、モーセから、イスマイル·イブン·イブラヒムからアブドゥル·`AzizイブンサービトAZ
Zuhriをfrom`ビン `Uqbah、Ibn`アッバスから供給Kuraibから)
ビルのThalaqaniでSa'eedイブンYa'qubナレーション、聞くからビンハーブはジャービルビンSamurah RAから調達)
らYasykuriアブザイド `アムル·イブン·アル·アンサリAkhthabとの対話を開催次のように:
'·イブン·アルアフマルYasykuri)がアブザイドは尋ねた:? `それはKhatamです」アブ·ザイドは答えた:`羽のコレクションを*'。
(ムハンマドビンベシャールナレーション、Alba'bin Yasykuriらアフマルから供給アブ `アシムビンサービトからUzrah ON`)
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